Remember the story of the Ant and the Grasshopper? The Ant planned for winter and saved up for a comfortable and secure year ahead. The Grasshopper put everything off, and suffered dearly for his lack of planning and effort.
Price Program customers have something in common with the Ant, for they know the value of planning ahead. Our price program customers not only save ahead for the next heating season, they benefit from a ceiling price, and are guaranteed their delivery price will never exceed the ceiling price in the months to come. It’s smart planning and excellent insurance.
Many companies offer price programs, and most of them succeed in offering price stability, payment plans, and automatic delivery. So, what is the buzz all about? What makes our price program the best one to choose?
No Up-Front Fees
Many other companies require price program customers pay an up-front fee or “subscription” fee to participate. These fees are often based on how many gallons you use, and average fees for a typical household account are around $250. But why pay more in fees up front? You may not use as much fuel next year and should not be punished for doing so. We don’t charge any up-front fees to our program customers.
No Hidden Limitations
Some companies limit how many gallons you can use and still get their price ‘protection.’ Just because it is a colder than average winter, you should not have to lose your price protection. In fact, if a very cold winter spikes demand, that’s when you will want the price protection! We don’t play games. You sign up, and as long as you stay current in your payments, you get the ceiling price or better.
Proven Track Record
We have been offering price programs for over 25 years. Using averages, if you have been a price program customer over just the last 10 years, you could have saved over $1000 vs. the customer that paid the average market price. That is real savings and meaningful insurance. We offer price programs because they work.
Great Service
All our customers get great service and providing that service is our number one priority. Let us introduce our price program to you and help you determine what your monthly budget payment will be. You won’t regret signing up – Our price program will give you peace-of-mind knowing you will not pay more per gallon during the regular heating season than the quoted ceiling price. Try it – you’ll like it!